Volunteers growing, planting and caring for trees in Hackney
What we do
We germinate, grow and care for hundreds of trees at our Community Tree Nursery on Hackney Marshes. Our nursery is managed entirely by volunteers and we’re always looking for help.
If you have time and maybe skills to share, find out more about regular volunteering at the nursery on our Volunteer page.
We plant trees in parks, on estates and other green spaces across Hackney. We work with Hackney Council to agree all our planting plans in public spaces with planting events held over the winter months.
Follow us on Eventbrite to get notified of upcoming tree planting across Hackney plus other tree and nature-focused events.
A large part of planting trees is caring for them to ensure we establish healthy trees. We care for the trees we plant through Tree Care Teams who carry out watering during dry periods and other maintenance activities such as mulching, guard maintenance and pruning.
For more information on joining a Tree Care Teams click here.
We maintain a number of community orchards including in Spring Hill, Daubeney Fields and Millfields. Community orchards provide free seasonal fruit and are important areas for nature. Maintenance work at the orchards can include pruning to improve health and crop production, fixing/removal of tree guards and watering.
Follow us on Eventbrite to get notified of the next orchard maintenance sessions along with our other events.
We work with other local community groups to help them plant and care for trees on estates and in public or private green spaces. We can provide advice on species selection, placement, planting and aftercare training to ensure healthy establishment of trees.
If you’re a community group or organisation based in Hackney and you’d like help with planting trees, get in touch.
Get involved.
The success of the Tree Musketeers relies entirely on the volunteers who run it. If you’re interested in contributing, click the button below for more information.
Current trustees: Christine Kings (Chair), Marcelo White, Natalie Sutton, Neil Sinden, Emmanuel de Lange and Pete Burke